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Girl Names Index > Page 1 - Medieval Girl Names

Medieval Girl Names

Find terrific Medieval Girl Names... At Top 100 Baby Names Search we have researched long and hard to provide you with a comprehensive list of baby names.

Listen... Your baby's name is our business, AND we take that very seriously! We've got the most comprehensive religious, humorous, and entertaining baby name lists on the net today... I have three children of my own -- and I can distinctly remember what fun it was to pick out their names and discuss them at length (Okay, ARGUE at length...) about them. I also remember feeling a bit concerned that the names were going to stick for life, so I wanted good ones.

We at Top 100 Baby Names Search have tried very hard to provide you just that... Medieval girl names & other GREAT baby girl names!... But don't take my word for it. Browse around and decide for yourself. After all this is a very special time in your life!... So enjoy it.

Click here for Medieval Boy Names...

M/F Medieval Girl Names Meaning of Name Origin
F Abelena filbert; hazelnut English
F Abellana filbert; hazelnut English
F Aelfgifu elf gift English
F Aelflaed elf beauty English
F Aethelburh noble fortress English
F Aetheldaeg noble day English
F Aetheldreda noble strength English
F Aethelfled noble beauty English
F Aethelfrith noble peace English
F Aethelgifu noble gift English
F Aethelgyth noble war English
F Aethelswith noble strength English
F Aethelu noble English
F Aethylswith noble strength English
F Afreda elf counselor English
F Ailith noble battle English
F Alditha old battle English
F Aldyth old battle English
F Alfreda wise counselor English
F Alvar army of elves English
F Alvina friend of the elves English
F Amice friend English
F Amity friendship English
F Anice grace; favor English
F    --- Medieval Girl Names Origin
F Annis chaste English
F Arethusa nymph English
F Arietta little song English
F Ashton ash-tree settlement English
F Avellana filbert or hazel English
F Avery elf ruler English
F Balthilda bright battle English
F Batilda bright battle English
F Bega life or prayer English
F Beverly beaver field English
F Bliss blissful, joyful English
F Blossom flower-like English
F Braeden broad hill English
F Breena fairy land English
F Brighton bright town English
F British from Great Britain English
F Brucie forest sprite English
F Cade juniper English
F Carling hill where witches gather English
F Cedrica battle chieftain English
F Ceola throat English
F Channel channel English
F Chauncey chancellor, secretary English
F Cinnamon cinnamon English
F Codie cushion English
F Corliss cheerful; goodhearted English
F Cwenburg queen's fortress English
F Cwenburh queen's fortress English
F Cwenhild battle queen English
F Cyneburg famous English
F Cyneburh famous English
F Dae day English
F Daisy day's eye English
F Daralis beloved English
F Dawn sunrise; dawn English
F Delight pleasure; enjoyment English
F Dena a dean; judge English
F Deorwynn dear delight English
F Devon men of Devon English
F Diana goddess of the woods animals English
F Doanne low and rolling hills English
F Donella dark-haired elfin girl English
F Duette two of kind English
F Dulcina rose English
F Eadburg wealthy fortress English
F Eadburga wealthy fortress English
F Eadburgh wealthy fortress English
F Eadburh wealthy fortress English
F Eadgifu wealthy gift English
F    --- Medieval Girl Names Origin
F Eadu wealth English
F Eadwynn rich friend English
F Eald aged, venerated English
F Easter Easter-time English
F Ebba boar English
F Eda abbreviation of letter E English
F Edeva expensive present English
F Edith prosperous in war English
F Edmunda prosperous protector English
F Edwena rich friend English
F Edwina rich friend English
F Egberta bright sword English
F Eglantine wild rose English
F Elfreda elf counselor; elf English
F Elfredda elf counselor; elf English
F Elfrida elf counselor; elf English
F Elfrieda elf counselor; elf English
F Elga elfin spear English
F Elgifu noble gift English
F Ella beautiful fairy-woman English
F Ellette little elf English
F Elmina noble English
F Elvina friend of elves English
F Eolande violet flower English
F Eostre a pagan goddess English
F Erline the elfin English
F Ermengard whole enclosure English

*Medieval Girl Names - compiled by research & survey

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