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World Names > Page 3 - Baby Names Peru

Baby Names Peru

Are you looking for a great Baby Names Peru?... You've definitely come to the right place!

We've got the most comprehensive religious, humorous, and entertaining baby name lists on the net today. I have three children and I can distinctly remember what fun it was to pick out their names and discuss them at length (Okay, ARGUE at length...) about them. I also remember feeling a bit concerned that the names were going to stick for life, so I wanted good ones.

We at Top 100 Baby Names Search have tried very hard to provide you just that... A great list of BABY NAMES PERU!... But don't take my word for it. Browse around and decide for yourself. After all this is a very special time in your life!... Enjoy.

Click here for Latina Names

Click here for Latino Names

M/F Baby Names Peru Meaning of Name Origin
F Moyolehuani enamored one Native
M Nacho internal light Spanish
M Nahuatl four waters Native
F Necahual survivor; left behind Native
M Necuamatl king Native
F Nelli truth Native
M Nelli truth Native
F Nenetl doll Native
M Nero stern; cruel emperor Latin
M Nicolao victory of the people Spanish
F Ninon grace French
F Nochtli prickly pear fruit Native
F Noely born on Christmas Day Latin
M Nopaltzin cactus; king Native
F Ofelia help Spanish
F Ohtli road Native
F Olga holy Russian
M Ollin movement Native
M Ordell beginning Latin
M Orlando from the famous land Spanish
F Paciencia patience Spanish
F Paloma dove; pigeon Spanish
F Papan flag Native
M Pastor shepherd Spanish
M Paulino small Spanish
F Pepita God will add Spanish
F Perla pearl Spanish
M Plinio has many skills Latin
F Pomposa lavish; magnificent Latin
M Ponce fifth son Spanish
M Porfirio purple stone Spanish
F Priscila Priscilla; ancient Spanish
F Prissy ancient Latin
M Rafael God has healed Spanish
M Rainerio wise warrior Spanish
M Ramiro wise and famous Spanish
F Raquel ewe Spanish
F Rebecca servant of God; binding Hebrew
F Regina queen's advisor Latin
M Reyes Magi who visited baby Jesus Spanish
M Ricardo powerful and brave Spanish
M Roberto famous Spanish
F Rollande fame of the land Teutonic
F Rosa beautiful rose Spanish
F Rosalind rose; beautiful Spanish
M Rubén behold a son Spanish
M Rufo red-haired Spanish
M Sabas man Spanish
F Salud health Spanish
F Salvadora savior Spanish
F Samaria elm-tree seed Latin
M Sans holy Spanish
M Santiago Saint Iago Spanish
M Saturnin of the god Saturn Spanish
M Severiano stern Spanish
M Severo stern Spanish
F Sidra star shining bright Latin
F Suniva radiant; enlightened Latin
F Susana lily Spanish
F Teófila God's friend Spanish
M Temotzin one who descends Native
M Tenyoa of a good family name Native
F Teressa harvester Greek
F Teuicui younger sister Native
F Teyacapan first-born child Native
M Tezcacoatl reflecting serpent; king Native
M Theodore gift of God Greek
M Tiburcio of the Tiber River Spanish
F Tlacotl oiser twig Native
F Tlahutli sir Native
F Tlalli earth Native
M Tlanextic the light of dawn Native
M Tlanextli radiance, brilliance Native
M Tlatecuhtli gentleman of the earth Native
M Tochtli rabbit Native
M Toltecatl artist Native
M Tomas twin Spanish
F Tonatzin goddess of the earth Native
F Tonia invaluable Spanish
F Trinada divine trinity of God Latin
M Tulio lively Spanish
M Urbain of the city Latin
M Urbano city dweller Spanish
F Valorie strong Latin
F Verdad truthful Spanish
F Veridiana truthful Latin
M Victorino to conquer; victory Spanish
M Vinicio vine Spanish
F Vivian full of life Latin
M Xihuitl year; comet Native
F Xiloxoch flower Native
M Ximenez hearkening Spanish
F Xochiquetzal most beautiful flower Native
M Xolotl precious twin Native
F Yesenia God sees Spanish
F Ynes chaste; holy Spanish
F Yolanda violet Spanish
F Yoyotli bell of the tree Native
F Zarita princess Spanish
M Zolin quail Native

*Baby Names Peru - compiled by research & survey

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