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World Names > Page 1 - Peruvian Baby Names

Peruvian Baby Names

Find baby names of all shapes & sizes here at Top 100 baby names search. Search our Peruvian Baby Names, and other great world names. You will discover naming oddities, articles and more that will entertain, inform, and amuse you.

Ultimately you will create a short list of really great names that reflect the wishes you have for your child-to-be. It is our goal to help you do just that... This site is yours to explore and browse.

Because Top 100 Baby Names Search was designed to aid you in your search for the perfect name for your baby. Listen... Your baby's name is our business, AND we take that very seriously!

So, please feel free to check out these Peruvian baby names below!

Click here for Latina Names

Click here for Latino Names

M/F Peruvian Baby Names Meaning of Name Origin
M Ad&aaucte;n earth Spanish
F Adalina noble Spanish
M Adolpho noble wolf Spanish
F Adoncia sweet Spanish
M Adriano dark one Spanish
F Agnés gentle; pure Greek
F Agota good Spanish
F Alexandrine defender of mankind Latin
M Alfredo elf counsel Spanish
F Alicia noble sort Spanish
F Aline all Teutonic
M Alvaro guard of all Spanish
F Amalia persuasive Spanish
F Amaranta unfading flower Spanish
F Amedée love of God French
M Anbessa lion Spanish
F Angélica angelic Spanish
F Angelina heavenly messenger Spanish
M Anibal grace of Ba'al Spanish
F Anica graceful Spanish
M Anselmo God-protection Spanish
F Aracely altar of the sky Spanish
M Arniano lamb; little one Latin
F Asela small donkey Latin
F Assumpcio assumption Spanish
M Atilio high above Spanish
F Atl water Native
M Atl water Native
F Auda old; rich French
F Aurelia gold Spanish
M Basilio king Spanish
F Belinda pretty Spanish
F Belle beautiful Latin
M Beltran bright raven Spanish
F Benedicta blessed Latin
M Benigno kind Spanish
F Berta bright; glorious Spanish
F Bibiana alive Spanish
F Blanca white Spanish
M Bolívar riverbank mill Spanish
M Bourne brook, stream Latin
F Brigida strength; protecting Spanish
M Bruno brown German
F Brynn from the boundary line Latin
F Carla manly Spanish
F Carmela vineyard Spanish
F Carmen vineyard Spanish
M Casimiro great destroyer Spanish
F Catherina pure Spanish
M Cayo rejoice Spanish
F Ceciliane blind, gray eyes Latin
M Cecilio blind, gray eyes Spanish
M Celino heaven Spanish
F Cenobia life of Zeus Spanish
F Centehua only one Native
F Cerella springtime Latin
F Chelo consolation Spanish
M Chimalli shield Native
F Chipahua clean Native
M Chipahua clean Native
F Chita conception Spanish
M Chus God is salvation Spanish
M Citlali star Native
F Clarabelle bright and beautiful Latin
F Clareta brilliant Spanish
M Claus lame Latin
M Clemente gentle and merciful Spanish
F Constanza steadfast Spanish
F Consuelo consolation Spanish
F Coralee coral French
M Coyotl coyote Native
M Cristiano follower of Christ Spanish
F Cruz cross Spanish
M Cuahutemoc eagle that falls Native
F Cualli good Native
F Cuicatl song Native
M Curció courteous Spanish
M Curtis courteous French
F Custodia guardian; keeper Spanish
M Custodio guardian; keeper Spanish
M Dario wealthy Spanish
M Desi longing Spanish
F Desideria desire Spanish
F Desirée desire French
M Dezi longing Spanish
M Didier desired; beloved French
F Docila gentle; docile Latin
F Durene enduring Latin
F Edelmira noble and famous Spanish
M Edouard wealthy guardian English
M Efrain fruitful Spanish
M Egecatl wind serpent Native
F Elena torch; moon Spanish
M Elpidio hope Spanish
F Elvira foreign; true Spanish
F Emelina rival Spanish
F Emeline industrious; persuasive Latin
M Emigdio half-god; demigod Spanish
M Emilien friendly; industrious Latin
M Emilio friendly; industrious Spanish

*Peruvian Baby Names - compiled by research & survey

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